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Abs Training

Abs Training

Train the abs

Generally the lower abs are the weakest area in the abdominal family! However, the rectus abdominals are essentially one muscle group. We can on the other hand, split them in to upper and lower segments, divided from the belly button. Most commonly we tend find the pelvis is tilted forward in the majority of people, meaning the lower abs are stretched and the hip flexors are tight! Strengthening the lower area first has a positive effect on performance through better posture, generating higher strength and power potential! A Volleyball athlete for instance, will never reach their full serving power potential if they are weak in this area. Triple extension through the hip, knee and ankle will be hard to generate in this case, stemming from the weak lower region of the abs.

It is suggested that we train the lower region of the abs first, working on rotational work second and upper regions last. Take note, this is if strength and power gains are a goal, but I’m a firm believer that if strength in particular is built aesthetics will soon follow!

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