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12 Week Online Coaching & Programming

12 Week Online Coaching & Programming

Recently I have had a lot of interest regarding my '12 week online coaching & programming' service so I thought I'd put it out there further and let you guys know exactly what it includes and who exactly it is for as it's not suitable for everybody!

The 12 week remote coaching program is aimed at the gym goer who needs a little direction or help coming out of a slump in results and or a direct focus on a goal. Ideally its for individuals who are familiar with gym environments or training. However if hungry to learn and apply yourself the program could also be for you.

I often get fitness competitors looking to enhance there physiques and need a focused period of training or people looking to increase there fitness relative to events such as marathons, triathlons and tough mudders ect.

What the program includes:

-12 weeks worth of training programs, progressive towards your fitness goals

-12 weeks progressive nutrition support to support both your goals and your training programs

-Weekly Skype checkins with the coach to see how we are doing and if we need to chat about things regarding your progress

-24/7 contact with the coach via email and whatsapp

-Access anywhere in the world

-Optional 2 times a month visits to meet the coach for body composition analysis and testing at the studio in Shoreditch

If this sort of package is something that interests you don't hesitate to contact me via my email:

Coach Andy

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